Award “Die Besten”
12. June 2023
We are pleased that Vivien got the award the “Best” for her draughtsman training.
Vivien Schmitz began her architectural training with us and, thanks to her enthusiasm for architecture, was responsible for projects early on. We are all the more pleased that she has now got the award by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for your extraordinary achievements in her draughtsman training. We are honored that we have also been recognized as a training company for our support.
Monument Wulfen Train Station
This year we were able to take part in the open monument day with the monument from the train station in Wulfen.
Architecture Day 2024
We are delighted to be taking part in the Day of Architecture 2024 with our studio in Bottrop. We warmly invite all interested parties!
Field Trip Antwerp
We went to Antwerp with our team to look at inspiring projects.
BDA Day in Kiel
We were invited to the 19th BDA Day in Kiel, where we were able to present our office, our work and our philosophy.
Nils Martens is a member of the BDA
Nils Martens is now a member of the Association of German Architects.
Start of construction of House T in Haltern
Less Plus is currently supervising the construction site for a detached house in Haltern am See.
Draughtsman Instructor
Vivien Schmitz has successfully completed her license as a instructor for draughtsman.
Interview in Kultur.West magazine
The magazine Kultur.West asked Philipp Valente for an interview about architecture.